Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Tikal-3 Tikal-4 Tikal-5 Tikal-7 Tikal is a magical place on the north east edge of Guatemala, right near the boarder of Belize. It was the most important Mayan city, though not the largest, which is hard to believe. The last photo taken from the highest pyramid shows the other three largest peaks, which is all that pops out of the jungle. I believe the three that are shown are relatively close together. I did not manage to see all the sites, but came pretty close, I showed up late in the day, in fact the guy at the door tried to get to come back the next day. Of course he little knew that I was really quick and would see more of the ruins that I suspect most visitors do. One of the great things about being late is that there were hoards of people leaving when I arrived and I mostly only saw people from one French group. But by the looks of the paths, a lot of the ruins are not visited. Gouging tourists is one thing they do, maps cost extra and the places were hardto figure out.

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