Yesterday morning, about half an hour into my day I crossed the Californian state line. It wasn't long after this I saw my first red wood trees. Well first I saw stumps,all over poeple's lawns, the. I spotted the actual trees. Oregon & California have well marked bike routes. The ones in Oregon don't often deviate from the 101 and usually cut off hills. I think in California they more cut off traffic, but there are way more of them, so I getto see more average people's houses.
The morning was nice enough, but the afternoon was magical. I was cycling through redwood state park. There was a good climb, but the trees were enormous and beautiful. I do have lots of pictures(I finally broke down and bought a new camera) at the moment I only know how together them only Flickr, the silly link is not a jpeg! I also do not have internet again, and am only using a cafe.
But back to the redwoods. I cycled through the park for about two and a half hours, I think. It was magical it smelt lovely. I felt bad for all the fools in their cars missing out on the majestic site and fel and smell. In facti did not even grudge the hills as it gaveme an excuse to go slow and admire. 'twas a thing of beauty. I saw what was the biggest tree there, at least I believer was. I do not think it is bigger then the one I saw by Tofino. But there were tons of huge ones, and many were double join trees. Sad, proud, beautiful, lonely, majestic trees.
I stayed at the most interesting place yet I have stayed at. I was in Orick, a town in the middle of the park.the sign's population read 627, though my host informed me it was more like 200. My host Steve,54, lives in a small 2 room house. He is a hippie wanderer type person. And he loves company. He has a friend who stays in the other room and helps out I the house and on the small large yard sized farm. I got to stay in the old school bus,complete with a couch, a mtress and even a small woodnes school desk/chair. Across from me there was a tiny trailer that another guy was staying in, who's family was in town and he was trying to move back and get a job. Apparently there really aren't jobs other then farm hands. Steve also kept a tiny farm. There is four rabbits (I couldn't hold them, not friendly), two cats-very friendly and didn't want to leave my lap, a dog, chickens and 3 goats. I made my breakfast, a fresh egg & toast and my tea on a wooden stove. He had a mechanics temperater reader he used to check spots for temperature. I also used his hot tub, right next to the goat pen!
He also was low on cash, so I bought a loaf of bread and left half of it, but he had about a quatre of a cooked salmon in his fridge and I got a salmon sandwich for lunch. Not. Ad at all.
70 miles yesterday, 70 miles today.
Today was mostly hard riding. I got to hit a co op store in eureka, which means I get good food for dinner, potatoes, males, onion and black beans. I really am. Of beet enough healthy food, so tonight should be great. I am camping Putin the city of dell rio, I saw a spot in the children's park that looked pretty good, I am having tea & one cheap taco, and will head over soon, it should be dark by now, so I shouldn't attract too much notice. My trip tomorrow (I have a bed) is 100 miles, so I am looking at buses, I think there is one that will take me part of the way, and then I can cycle, I will have to ask the waitress because all of the stop names are simply streets, though I am pretty sure it stops here, otherwise I will have to see if there is one further, or try and hitch again, one never knows. It certainly is much bigger. Ow and a lot more traffic. The 101 is mostly 2 lanes, but I will be cutting over to the 1 to or row afternoon.
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