Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Whale watching

Whales, Guerro Negro-7 Today I went whale watching in the lagoon of gGuerro Negro, which is where the blue whales go to give birth. The babies are around one month right now and they love to play. The babies all hang out with the mothers, it is possible to see lots of whales, maybe 100 surfacing, but the trick is to get what they call a sticky whale, one who stays with you and plays. It seems singing the women's warrior song, a first national song, I am not sure how many tribes use it, but is is coast Salish and is often sung at protests, usually started by the Power of Women Group. Any how my song seemed to work because while singing we had a mother and baby stay and play by us for about half an hour.they would swim under the boat, en turn and go back to surprise us, usually staying on my side. We also had a second mother and baby join us for awhile. The experience was fantastic! We would splash our hangs in the water to attract and play with them. I even got to touch the baby whale twice! I think I am blessed to get to do more amazing ings then most people- though I suppose my methods of achieving them are uh crazier then most are willing to endeavor. I am also in great hands. I stayed with a friend of mine, Mario in Ensenada. I know Mario from when he lived in Vancouver. He introduced me to his friend Beto, who likes to cycle a lot, Mario tells me he has been trying to convince him to cycle down the Baja with him; instead Beto will be cycling across the states near e boarder nd another trip through the Rockies. Anyway, Beto gave me the contactof his friend Paolo in Guerro Negro, which has turned out to be stupendous. She even has friends inLa Paz ( where she is from, by the tip of the Baja) who are fighting a Canadian mining company who want to put a mine there, it seems likely I will get to meet them. Life is great, except for a cold I can't seem to shake. It should be way too warm for a cold, but apparently logic doesn't work in this area. I did meet a friend of Paolo's who gave me echinasia and also was the tour guide on today's whale watching.

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